Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Post #3: Cyber Bullying- Amanda Todd Part 1

Amanda Todd was a young Canadian teen and victim of cyber-bullying who took her own life on October 10th, 2012. Amanda was blackmailed, bullied and physically/ verbally harassed to the point where she decided to commit suicide. Many people believe that she brought it upon herself and she doesn't deserve all the attention. Yes, she made mistakes, but everyone does, and no one deserves to be bullied to that extent. 

Her story is very tragic but what people need to realize is that this happens everywhere, everyday. Many people are bullied because of their race, appearance, sexuality etc. and a lot of them turn to suicide as a result. People die everyday and it seems no one takes it to heart unless it becomes big news. A lot of people are so caught up in Amanda's story that they forget about the others who are in the same position as she was while we can be helping them. 

I Believe Amanda Todd's death is a wake up call for change. It is also a lesson to children and teens to always be careful with what you do or say online, and that running from your problems will not solve them. My prayers are with her and her family, but also with the countless others who are bullied everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Great insights, Ryan. Photos work very well with the topic.
